
Hi There, I am Carl W. Chapek

Hello there!!! I guess that it is time for you to get to know me. I am a native Sacramentian. I was born and raised here. I went to school here. I moved to LA for college, but I came home. I have been working for the last 20 plus years as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the local community colleges. In the past few years, life has been continuing. I have lost my grandparents and now my parents. My mother passed in 2014. Her death was very sudden. She had a type of stroke. During this time, I just worried about her health and hoped she would recover. Well, that did not happen. She died 3 days later, never waking up. Now all the "fun" began.

Now we had to deal with all the arrangements. I knew what my mother's requests were. The problem was the how and what money to bury her. Luckily, my grandmother had bought burial plots a long time ago. My grandmother had both of her sons sent to Vietnam. My grandmother was really worried that she was going to bury both of her sons. Well, luckily both of my uncles came back home. Then, life happened again!! My mom's only sister was killed in a car accident. Here is where my grandmother's sense of planning came into play again.

With both of my uncles home, my one uncle surrendered his plot, and they buried her there. Some many years later, my grandfather passes. He was cremated, and my grandmother kept them to be buried with her. About 10 years later, grandmother passes, and my grandparents were buried together near their daughter. Leading me back to the beginning of my story. My mother had the last spot.

She is buried near her sister and next to her parents. Not too much after my mom passed away, my father was diagnosed with dementia.

My father's journey with dementia took about 4 years. During this time, I was able to save up money and put deposits down on my father's burial. He wanted to be buried with mom. So, we had to pay for the opening, and closing, of mom's crypt, the cremation of dad, and all the fees and taxes. So, within 5ish years I had to find, beg, cash out some savings/retirement, to the tune of about $17,000.

So, when this opportunity for Pre-Need came up, I jumped on it. My wife and I both have it!

Carl W. Chapek - CDI# 4178844